
So, I posted last time that I was selling cartoon portraits on my Etsy shop .

My friend bought one!

My first sale on there! Woo hoo!catherineCatcatCollage

And she liked it enough to get two more!

CatherineCat2 Collage

CatherineCat3 Collage


Six Word Friday: Silence

Here are some thoughts on silence:


I love the silence that exists

early in the morning before dawn

and everyone else awakens the day.

(Though I hate early morning rising.)


I hate the silence when I

go outside that tells me that

the dog is no longer there.


I love the little noises that

tell me that someone is home.

Because when they are gone away

the silence is sometimes quite deafening.


Of course, as the joke goes:

Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.

Go see more people talk about silence with Melissa