A Poem. Titled

I wrote a poem.

I wrote a poem and I filled it up with words.

And crafted lines of the most beautiful prose you’ve ever heard.

You could feel the emotions dripping off of the page

The sadness

like molasses

The fiery crackle of burning hot rage

Some humor, a light

To cut through the darkness

Like a knife.

I weighed you down

In pain to wallow,

Then lifted you up

In healing for tomorrow.

The words were flowing

And then they weren’t.

Turkey Doodle Day


the giving of thanks

the filling of tanks

the closing of banks


with the choosing of words

the stories were once again heard

as we gathered around the roasted bird


Six Word Friday: Captive

I am captivated by your words

Slowly drawn in by your lines

by the careful crafting of sentences

and beautifully glimmering hand-turned phrases.

I am mesmerized by your story

hooked on every well baited line

reeled in, powerless against your pull

caught, ensnared, trapped by your metaphor

and furthermore, similarly, by your simile

at the end I am yours

gasping for air on the shore

dying, and still only wanting more

click here for more Six Words

Six Word Fridays: Fun (August)

Summer fun-

on the run.


time at home

having flown,


gaze turns in

from summer’s


the faint call

first fall


not just yet

never fret


warm and bright-

cooler nights


a gentler speed

fewer needs


old time feeling

childhood dealings


catching of breath

time then,




A poem

Roses are red

Violets are blue

A lot of people like poems that rhyme.

Six word Fridays: Return

I wish that you could return.

These crumbs left behind? No feast.

For the entire cake, I yearn.

My finger’s burned……

…….The lessons learned.

I wish that you could return.

Morning has broken

I probably talk about this too much

I know that there is far more important stuff

But please, is there any possible way

I can get up AFTER the break of day?

Six Word Friday: Sound


crash, boom, whack,

thump, bang, giggle

whoop, laugh, smack,

clunk, stomp, whistle

whoosh, clang, clack

hush, swish, wiggle

pop, snap, crack

sniff, clap, sizzle

squish, slurp, slap,

gurgle, slip, tickle

yell, zip, zap

zing, swing, swizzle

slide, glide, tap

ting, tang, fizzle…..

Six Word Friday: How To

How One Might Write A Poem.

Prompt: How to. Let’s show ’em.

How do I do this, that thing?

Gnashing of teeth! Dramatic arm flinging!

Woe is me! What to do?

Agonize for days.( And forget, too.)

Obviously I have no marketable skills.

I pace and ponder. Worry. Wonder.

I fret. Self confidence is killed.

Hmm, wait. I do do this.

How though? The real problem is.

Talk to yourself. Write it down.

Add more words. Switch some around.

Try to make it sorta rhyme.

Attempt to make it keep time.

Google rhyming dictionary. Explore the thesaurus!

Edit. Refine. (Well, maybe next time.)

HOW TO go read more how-tos at Melissa’s link-up.

Six Word Friday: Pace

It’s the first day of Fall

Not much changes today, at all.

The children already fill the halls.

The incremental ratcheting down of pace

from high summer to deep winter

Is already a half run race.

The temperature’s cooler, dark comes earlier.

The wind’s more “bracing”, animals furrier.

But still, today is about balance.

Day and night in equal measure.

Yin and Yang at nature’s leisure.

A chance to pause, take stock, reflect.

Let the fall season’s quietness set.

Take the turn from outward action

of newborn spring and teenaged summer

to the gathering and tending faction

of fall’s nurturing and maturing mother.

Storing food and building cozy nests

in prudent readiness and busy preparation

For the darker colder month’s rest

and relaxation, or more aptly: hibernation.

This Autumn Equinox take a moment

to center yourself, take a breath.

Breathe in. Believe you are potent.

Breathe out. Release all the rest.


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